APAC inaugurated by designated guests!

Taiwan’s Ministry of Environment (formerly the Environmental Protection Administration) and the space agency of the United States of America, NASA have a history of cooperation of 20 years. The Aerosol Automatic Monitoring Network (AERONET) of NASA is the most successful global ground-based remote-sensing network in the world with more than 1,000 global sites. With this long history of collaboration, NASA cooperated with the Lulin Atmospheric Background Station (LABS) to establish a calibration platform at Mt. Lulin. On the 2nd of November, 2023, the Ministry of Environment, Taiwan established the Asia Pacific AERONET Calibration and Training Center (APAC) as the only AERONET calibration site in Asia and the fourth regional calibration center in the world. APAC is currently the largest calibration site in the world after the background stations in Hawaii (Mauna Loa) and Izaña, Spain.

NASA官員首公開認可台灣!台美合作大事記 AERONET亞太檢校訓練中心成立 協助東南亞國家校準太陽光度計 |【直播回放】20231102|三立新聞台


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  1. Thank you for the information

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